Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Promised Land

My daughter, a PHD candidate in political science bristles at the idea of America being the Promised Land. Is it? She, and many on the left think America is the bad guy in the world. I think it is a promised land given by God for the last 200 years as a place where people can worship Him freely. To not worship Him as some may choose is a by-product of the freedom of choice granted to us by our Creator. To force someone to worship in a prescribed manner is the result of a state sponsored church, which is what Jefferson meant when he wrote about a wall separating church and state, not that the state was secular and could not be sponsored by churches, is for men to take away the God-given freedom of choice. To take away symbols of our faith is also denying freedom of choice as well as freedom of speech. Why would I say the United States of America is the Promised Land? Just look at the people who risk everything to get here. Look at the opportunity for prosperity for everyone who is willing to work hard for it. Look at the relative safety of this nation. Compare those things with any other nation in the world and the USA becomes a promised land. When the nation honors God, we prosper. When we deny God, our prosperity wanes. Our freedoms are being eroded by those who hate America and want to conform it to their own image. Those who love God and the land He has provided are the ones who are preserving our freedoms. Freedom has been provided for all people in America by men who were dedicated to God in founding our nation. It is amazing that the Promised Land even provides freedom for those who don’t believe there is a God, by the very God in whom they refuse to believe. That is a Promised Land!


Unknown said...

The promised land that God has given European to kill 60 million Native Americans and strip them of their lands?

JTA said...

I am sure God had a better way, but men in their sinfulness always seem to take what God has given them and abuse it. This is happening even today as we squander the success that God has given the United States. It was a tragic and sinful thing that white men did to Native Americans and unexcuseable. If God gives it, there is always a win-win result if we listen to Him, but obviously in this and in the case of black slavery, men went their own sinful way. Yes, there have been abuses of God's promised land.