Monday, September 28, 2009

Who Is God, and Why Should We Care?

Several months ago the White House not to participate in the National Day of Prayer. This was a major departure from previous administrations and seen by some, me included, to be a move away from trusting the God of "In God We Trust" and the God to Whom our founding fathers looked for guidance in formulating the United States of America. Following that snub of God Almighty have been a string of lauditory exclamations by our national leaders of the very religion that has done so much in the past decade and before to destroy our nation, continuing to be a threat.

Then our national leaders gave sanction to an Islamic day of prayer. Ala and Jehovah are not the same God. One is true and one is not. One is born out of love for mankind and one seeks to oppress mankind. One wants to build up and the other tear down. When our national leaders snub the God Who created everything we see in favor of a god who is no god, our nation has turned its back on God. The spirale to tyranny has intensified.

We have national leadership that cares more about themselves and their power than about God and the people they serve. I fully expect to see an emperor as king in our nation before long, with him dictating in every facit of our lives. For a leader who has rejected God, sold our nation down the road and states that he will impose sanctions on us that no one except him thinks is good will lead us further away from God. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their sin. One of those sins was oppression of the people. In the United States, the very ones who say they are protecting the common people are the ones who want to control every aspect of their lives, take away God-given rights, and silence all criticism. This is tyranny.

Who is God? He is the Creator of all, and the One who gave us this nation. Why should we care? If we continue to move away from God we move away from His goodness and His care. The further we move from God the closer we move to the enemy of our souls whose main objective is to destroy mankind. Our enemy loves tyranny and destruction, and we are playing right into his hands. Only God can help us. I believe the United States as a nation has crossed the line. We will suffer the consequences. There will be some tough times. The only way to be victorious is to return to God our Creator individually. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved."


Patrick O'Shea said...

Who is God?

God (Allah) is an imaginary being created by humans in their attempt to understand the world around them. Since humans discovered the scientific method God became less necessary.

Why should we care?

Because millions of people around the world refuse to accept the evidence provided by science that God is not needed to make sense of the world. Many of these people are so attached to their irrational beliefs that they are willing to kill rather than let go of them. The world would be a safer place if religions ceased to exist and if people let go of their belief in imaginary beings. said...

No clue, All religions come from the same background. Its quite possible we are all worshipping the same god.

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