Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My World View

My world view is probably not representative of the Christian world view except in its basics. However my world view is based on the Christian world view, I believe there is a Creator God. I believe that the Bible is the authoritative word of God in that it is God’s message, written through men whom He inspired, to mankind. I believe the Bible to be inerrant in its writing, i.e. it is recording what God has said and how men have reacted to it. That does not mean that every word is true as there are some lies reported, but the reporting is true. I do not believe that just any arrangement of words is true or instructive. There is the story of the preacher who paraphrased scripture by saying, “Judas went out and hanged himself.” Then he followed that statement by another scripture that said, “Go thou and do likewise.” Obviously it is absurd to put these scriptures together to say that we should go out and hang ourselves.

My world view has caused me to come to some ideas about where we are headed as a world, as a nation, and as a society. I believe that God gave us the United States of America to be a beacon of His righteousness throughout the world.* The founding fathers were at the very least men of integrity. I am on the side that says our nation’s founding fathers were godly, Christian men who were devout in their beliefs.** Some say they set up a purely secular society. My read is that they set up a society primarily for religious freedom (not freedom from religion) and rightly integrated the church in its rightful place of supporting the government, but neither slave to it nor master. The church influenced the government to rightly do what a government was ordained by God to do according to Romans 13. A democracy, rightly administered by godly, selfless servants, was the closest thing to a perfect government that there could be in the current dispensation of God’s overall plan for the world and mankind.

*I am not using “righteousness” as some moral, “I am better than you” religious term. I interpret righteousness as “rightness” or doing things right. God being the all-knowing, just and holy God that He is knows what is right above all knowledge of mankind, thus His way is the only really right way. Our challenge is to find what He is truly telling us about what His way is.

**Some would argue that many of the founding fathers were deists or something other than Christian. I would answer that the overwhelming majority were devout, orthodox Christians. Those who were deists or some more liberal version of Christianity would today be considered right-wing religious extremists, or at least fundamentalists.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Christian World View

The Christian world view says that God is the Creator, controller, and sustainer of all things. The world was created perfectly and the defects that we see in the world around us are because of sin, original sin and personal sin. Sin is defined as rebellion against God. Most Christians believe that God has complete control of events and the flow of human history as He does throughout the entire universe. Because of sin, all of God’s creation, at least here on earth, is degraded and condemned to destruction. Death came into the creation because of Adam’s sin and eternal death of each individual is assessed based on the individual’s sin. All have sinned and fallen short of God’s ideal plan for us. He did, however, provide a way to be saved from sin and for creation to be restored to its pre-sin state. This was done through Jesus’ sacrifice of His own life on the cross, and God’s resurrection of Him from death. This being the only means of salvation given by God, there is no other pathway to God than through Jesus Christ. All other beliefs, then are not just another way to God with their own salvation, but diversions from the salvation that God has given. Religions, defined as man’s attempts to reach God, become attempts to replace God’s reaching out and providing salvation to mankind. Christians who follow this world view, and not all do, operate from this premise. One of the components of this operation is accepting the biblical scriptures as definitive and authoritative directions from God Himself through writers inspired and directed by God Himself. This becomes the standard by which all other things are evaluated.

Along with believing in the Creator God, Christians believe in Satan, who is the antithesis of God, but not an equivalent force. God is good and truth. Satan is evil and a liar. In fact his native language is lying. Mankind is caught between God and Satan. Those who go with God and His provided salvation are saved from the effects of sin. Those who go with Satan will receive a similar end.

Based on this world view, much of what I see today falls perfectly in line with the hints God has given in scripture as to what will happen in the end times. Much of the anti-God movement is orchestrated by Satan, who is the prince of this world. I believe that God will allow Satan to have more and more control and influence until he proves to all the universe that he is not capable of being God and that only God is capable of being God. Our choice is with whom we will align.

Monday, June 15, 2009

World View - God the Creator

Did the God of the Bible create everything there is, or is there some other creator out there somewhere? What difference does it make? First of all, the God of the Bible is the only One who can have such an all-encompassing effect on creation. The story of the God of the Bible is that He has always existed, is all knowing, and is all powerful. He is also an all-loving, all-caring Creator who is deeply involved in all aspects of His creation as the Bible tells us in Acts 17:28, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being…” With a world-view that has the God of the Bible as our Creator, and our Savior, Helper, Controller, etc. we know that we are a part of something much bigger. It does matter what He says and what He does. As one proponent of evolution related that he knew that the probability of the theory being correct was extremely low, but to believe in a Creator God means that he would have an obligation to that Creator God, which he did not want to do, so he chose to believe in evolution. Even this evolutionist realized that it did matter what God says.

I will somewhat dismiss the stories of every other “god” who is held out as the creator because that God is really either speaking of the God of the Bible in lesser terms, or is a lesser being that does not have the capabilities assigned to the God of the Bible.

Does a world-view that has the God of the Bible as the Creator matter? Yes. To realize that we have an obligation to our Creator, as well as to have rights assigned to us by that Creator is the basis upon which our nation was founded. Many want to rewrite history and even claim their version is true when it is they who revised it to meet their world view to exclude God. Notwithstanding, if we do accept God as our Creator, our success and happiness depends on our synchronization with Him. If we do not, then our state depends on something else, whatever that may be.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

World View 2

World view affects the core of our lives. For instance, if you have the world view that the Creator God is there and He is active in our lives we are either reconciled to Him and at peace with Him, or we are at odds with Him. If we are at peace with Him the circumstances of life, especially those out of our control, can be left in His hands. We can have confidence that He will not only take care of us according to His word, but we can have confidence that if we die, He will take care of us eternally, again according to His word.

Conversely, if we have a world view that this is all there is and when we die there is nothing but oblivion, it would seem one would become obsessed with living, either to live with reckless abandoned so as to squeeze as much living as possible in the time one has here on earth, or to become obsessed with longevity leading to concerns about health and the extension of life for as long as possible. There is also the gamble of life. In the second world view one is gambling eternity on their world view and if it is wrong, they have everything to loose and nothing to gain.

Monday, June 1, 2009

World View

There are conflicting world views that are driving the world’s societies today. I would propose that the two major world views are centered around the issue of God. There are many other issues in each camp, but these seem to drive each side at a fundamental level. There is the traditional view that says there is a God, and then there is the opposing view that says there is no God. Under the first world view, there are those who say the God of the Bible is the true God who created the universe and our world, and those who say there is another god who started everything. For those who say the God of the Bible is the true God, the camps are divided over whether He is active in our world, or whether He created the world and left without any interaction in the affairs of the creation.

For those who say there is no God the ideas are diverse. The most prominent of the no-God camp say that since there is no overriding deity controlling the affairs of creation, humans must ban together and control as much of our world as possible.

To the camp that says God created the world and everything in it and is present to work with His creation in minute detail, the ultimate motive is to give God His rightful due. To those who say there is no God, the ultimate motivation is their personal happiness and the happiness of society as a whole.